neochimIn “Sumy NPO”, PJSC the order of the company Neohim AD (Bulgaria) for manufacturing a lot of coils for refrigerators of bubbling type is actively being implemented.

In particular, the agreement provides for the production of 20 coils, each of which is a set of 6 units of equipment. That is, in general, we are talking about 120 individual coils. Their highlight is the 25 m long stainless steel whips.

According to Valeriy Frolov, the senior sales manager, Sumy NPO branded coils are needed by the customer in the framework of repairing bubble refrigerators with a capacity of 80 m2.

“It is noteworthy that Sumy engineers of previous generations were involved in the refrigeration equipment production, which is now in operation at Neokhim. Actually, the equipment was made approximately in 40-50-ies of the last century on the areas of the plant in the city of Chirchik, Uzbekistan. At the same time, in September 1941, vast majority of production facilities and personnel of our company was evacuated just to Chirchik, where the Sredazkhimmash plant was founded on the basis of the repair and mechanical workshop of the chemical plant there. Now it is “Plant of oil and chemical engineering “Uzbekhimmash” JSC “, – Mr. V. Frolov tells. “So, as we see, our contract found us both in years and through distances.”