dsc_5704_380Representatives of PetroPartner from Pakistan visited “Sumy NPO”, PJSC on a fact-finding visit. They came to the enterprise for the first time, however, they noted that they had heard about the brand of Sumy NPO. Therefore, the Middle Eastern guests were keen to see personally the potential of Sumy machine-builders. In the end, they were not disappointed. Moreover, the negotiators immediately found the points of future cooperation. In particular, the managers of PetroPartner were very interested in the compressor equipment produced by the Company. They have already sent proposals for the participation of Sumy NPO in the tender for the delivery of reciprocating machines.

As Igor Bulygin, head of marketing department, says, PetroPartner is not only in the Pakistan market, but also in Europe, Canada. The spectrum of its business interests is significant: from the IT sector to equipment for various industries, including chemical, oil, gas, etc.

“Ahmad Ali Ciuddisi, PetroPartner CEO, and Sheikkh Asim Ahmad, commercial director, immediately outlined the range of their interest, indicating that they would like to explore the possibilities of unification in the production of oil and gas products. Therefore, we showed them the profile workshop number 2, where the guests were able to inspect individual samples of the equipment of this segment, created by our company, including: a 16 MW turbo unit, 6 and 25 megawatt compressors. In addition, an excursion to the Company exhibition center was made, ” Mr. Igor Bulygin said.

As a result of getting acquainted with the capacities of Sumy NPO, top managers of PetroPartner assured that they were ready to establish cooperation with Sumy machine builders, because they believed that the company, like no other, would be able to provide the necessary ratio: price – quality – production time. To try the hand at once, they sent the relevant proposals to participate in the tender for the supply of three reciprocating compressors.

By the way, Sumy NPO branded centrifugal compressor equipment appeared to be no less interesting to visitors from Pakistan.