dsc_3402Testing of the condensate pumping equipment ordered by the Belarusian partners for nuclear power plant which is currently under construction, started in PJSC “Sumy NPO”.

The first sample has been tested adequately and proved its efficiency in conditions close to operational. The remaining five units will be tested in the near future.

In general, according to the contract, Sumy engineers pledged to produce and send to the facility 12 powerful AKsVA 2000-100 and 2200-220-2 AKsVA type condensate pumps. The company is going to ship the finished product, making sure its quality at the end of this year – early next one.

According to the official plans of the partner, the first nuclear power plant unit is to be commissioned in 2018, the second – in 2020. It is assumed that the power units of VVER-1200 (V-491) will achieve power up to 1200 MW each. The projected capacity of the nuclear power plant will be 2.4 thousand. MW.